Increase Web Traffic CD Broadcasting

Web Design Rebrand

Web Rebrand

CD Broadcasting - Become An Instant Facebook Success

CD Broadcasting came to us because it was time for a rebrand.

We designed their first website in 2018 and they have grown. There brand design did not represent their business model.

In the beginning, CD Broadcasting was in the hip-hop community working with artists and entrepreneurs.

They had developed their brand to work with local businesses needing an instant push onto the internet.

They interviewed entrepreneurs and popular local people want to reach their audience.

CD Broadcasting would have a Facebook Live that their audience of over 1,000 could watch.

The recorded Facebook Live would be reposted on numerous pages.

A Facebook ad would be run using the video giving the entrepreneur instant brand awareness and virality.

Google Analytics

CD Broadcasting Google Analytics

Our process is to analyze the current state of their web design.

CD Broadcasting was getting traffic from all over the world. Their brand promise "The Fastest Way to Go Viral WIth Facebook Live' is supported by their web traffic.

Facebook Audience Age Demographics

Facebook Age Demographics

We looked at their age demographics so we could tailor the messaging for the largest audience. The largest audience

is women and that indicates some pain point for the value proposition.

Facebook City Distribution

We analyzed the city and country distribution so the brand strategy can be tailored to that state.

Web Design Landing Page

We redesigned the landing page for their demographics.

Afro-Americans that are interested in going viral on Facebook.

The value proposition(promise) is the selling point.

We prompt the web page visitor with a question.

Looking to make your next event or announcement go viral?

Increase Web Traffic CD Broadcasting

Visual Storytelling

Visual storytelling is the practice of conveying a narrative or message through a sequence of images or videos. It is an effective way of engaging audiences and evoking emotions by using visuals to enhance the impact of a story.

A live social media feed is a popular tool for visual storytelling, as it allows creators to share real-time updates with their followers using a combination of photos and videos.

Through live streaming or posting content on social media platforms like Instagram or Snapchat, users can tell their stories visually and interact with their audience in a more immediate and engaging way.

The combination of visuals and social media technology has created new opportunities for creative expression and communication, making visual storytelling an essential aspect of modern media.

Branding Benefits

One of the most important elements of a landing page is highlighting the benefits of your product or service. Customers are always looking for solutions to their problems, and the benefits of your product can help address their needs.

By highlighting the benefits of your product or service, you can effectively communicate how it can solve their problems and meet their needs. This can help potential customers understand why they should choose your product or service over competitors and ultimately make a purchase.

The benefits section of your landing page should be clear, concise, and compelling. It should use language that resonates with your target audience and showcases how your product or service can improve their lives.

In summary, the importance of highlighting the benefits of your product or service on your landing page cannot be overstated. It can help you attract and convert potential customers by demonstrating the unique value proposition of your product or service.

Brand Features

Brand features play an essential role in communicating your brand identity to potential customers. They are the unique attributes that distinguish your brand from competitors and help build brand recognition and loyalty.

On a landing page, including brand features can help establish trust and credibility with potential customers. By highlighting key features of your brand, you can effectively communicate the unique value proposition of your product or service and set yourself apart from competitors.

Brand features can include anything from unique selling points and product features to awards and recognition. By prominently displaying these features on your landing page, you can show potential customers why your brand is the best choice for their needs.

In addition to building trust and credibility, brand features can also help create an emotional connection with potential customers. By showcasing features that align with your target audience's values and preferences, you can make them feel understood and connected to your brand.

When including brand features on a landing page, it's important to ensure they are relevant, clear, and easy to understand. Use language and design elements that resonate with your target audience, and highlight features that are most likely to persuade them to take action.

In summary, including brand features on a landing page is crucial for establishing trust and credibility with potential customers and communicating your brand's unique value proposition. By showcasing what makes your brand stand out, you can attract and convert more leads and build long-term customer loyalty.

Marketing Content

Marketing blog content is an important tool for building brand awareness, driving traffic to your website, and establishing thought leadership in your industry. But did you know that marketing blog content can also play a crucial role on your landing pages?

When used effectively, marketing blog content can be used to highlight the results of your product or service and showcase its value proposition to potential customers. By featuring blog content on your landing page, you can provide social proof and build trust with potential customers.

Blog content can be used to demonstrate how your product or service has helped other customers solve similar problems or achieve similar goals. This can help potential customers visualize the value of your product or service and make them more likely to take action.

In addition to providing social proof, marketing blog content can also help establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry. By sharing insights and best practices, you can demonstrate your expertise and build credibility with potential customers.

When using marketing blog content on your landing page, it's important to ensure that the content is relevant, compelling, and easy to understand. Use headlines, images, and formatting to make the content visually appealing and scannable, and highlight the most important points to make them stand out.

In summary, marketing blog content can be a powerful tool for highlighting the results of your product or service on your landing page. By providing social proof and establishing thought leadership, you can build trust with potential customers and increase the likelihood of conversions.

Increase Web Traffic CD Broadcasting