Build Your Business Online Presence Using Brand Strategy

December 19, 2021
Posted by
Charles K. Davis

Introduction: Establishing Your Online Presence

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses looking to thrive and succeed. Your online presence is how you make a first impression on potential customers and clients, and it's how you stay connected with your current ones. Without a solid online presence, you risk being overlooked or forgotten in the crowded online marketplace.

Establishing your online presence starts with a strong brand strategy. Your brand strategy is the foundation for all your online efforts, and it's what sets you apart from your competitors. It encompasses everything from your brand messaging and visual identity to your target audience and marketing channels.

In this article, we will explore the ultimate brand strategy for business online presence. We will discuss the importance of brand strategy in establishing your online presence and provide actionable steps to develop a comprehensive strategy that aligns with your business goals.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to revamp your online presence, this article will provide valuable insights and strategies to help you stand out in today's digital world. Let's get started!

What you will learn in this article.

  1. The Importance of Brand Strategy in Online Presence
  2. Developing an Omnichannel Marketing Strategy
  3. Crafting a Content Marketing Plan that Aligns with Your Brand Strategy
  4. Leveraging Social Media Platforms for Brand Building
  5. Maximizing YouTube for Business Growth
  6. LinkedIn for B2B and Thought Leadership
  7. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest for Building Your Brand's Online Presence
  8. Growing Your Online Presence
  9. Conclusion: The Power of a Strong Brand Strategy in Your Online Presence

The Importance of Brand Strategy in Online Presence

When it comes to establishing your online presence, having a solid brand strategy is essential. Your brand strategy is the roadmap for all your online efforts, and it ensures that everything you do online aligns with your overall business goals.

One of the key components of brand strategy is defining your brand personality. Your brand personality is what sets you apart from your competitors and creates an emotional connection with your audience. It encompasses your brand values, tone of voice, and visual identity.

Creating a brand personality definition with a brand strategist is essential for establishing a strong online presence. A brand strategist can help you identify your unique selling proposition and develop a messaging strategy that resonates with your target audience.

Your brand strategy also includes your target audience and marketing channels. You need to identify who your ideal customer is and where they are online, so you can create a marketing strategy that reaches them where they are.

Another important aspect of brand strategy is consistency. Consistency across all your online channels, from your website to your social media profiles, helps build trust and reinforces your brand identity.

In summary, having a solid brand strategy is essential for establishing a strong online presence. Defining your brand personality with a brand strategist, identifying your target audience and marketing channels, and maintaining consistency are all key components of a successful brand strategy. With a strong brand strategy in place, you can stand out in today's crowded online marketplace and achieve your business goals.

Developing an Omnichannel Marketing Strategy

In today's digital age, businesses have more opportunities than ever to connect with their customers through various online channels. However, it's not enough to simply have a presence on multiple channels - you need to develop an omnichannel marketing strategy that leverages each channel's unique strengths and delivers a seamless customer experience.

One of the keys to a successful omnichannel marketing strategy is personalized content. Customers want to feel like they are being spoken to directly, and personalized content can help achieve that. This means tailoring your messaging and content to the specific needs and interests of your target audience.

Understanding the tone of voice for each channel is also crucial. Each channel has its own audience and purpose, and your messaging and tone of voice should reflect that. For example, your tone of voice on LinkedIn may be more professional and business-focused, while your tone of voice on Instagram may be more casual and visually-oriented.

A great example of a brand that excels in omnichannel marketing is Aesop. They have a strong visual identity and tone of voice that is consistent across all their channels, from their website to their social media profiles. They create visually captivating content that aligns with their brand values and engages their target audience. Aesop also uses personalized content in their email marketing campaigns, tailoring their messaging and product recommendations to each individual customer.

In summary, developing an omnichannel marketing strategy is crucial for businesses looking to succeed in today's digital world. Personalized content and understanding the tone of voice for each channel are key components of a successful strategy. Aesop is a great example of a brand that excels in omnichannel marketing, creating visually captivating content that resonates with their target audience across all their channels.

Let's Develop Your Marketing Strategy

Crafting a Content Marketing Plan that Aligns with Your Brand Strategy

Creating and sharing valuable content with your audience is an important part of any successful digital marketing strategy. But it's not enough to simply create content - you need to ensure that it aligns with your brand strategy and supports your overall business goals. In this section, we'll explore how to craft a content marketing plan that aligns with your brand strategy across various platforms.

LinkedIn: One of the most powerful platforms for establishing your brand as a thought leader is LinkedIn. Here, you can create and share long-form content such as articles and blog posts that showcase your expertise and provide value to your target audience.

Facebook, TikTok, Twitter: These platforms are great for testing out different types of content to see what resonates with your audience. You can experiment with different formats such as videos, memes, and infographics to see what drives engagement and builds brand awareness.

Pinterest: Pinterest is a valuable platform for testing out new trends and visual content. You can use this platform to showcase your brand's visual identity and experiment with different types of content to see what resonates with your target audience.

Quora: Quora is a great platform for establishing your expertise and authority in your industry. You can answer questions related to your niche and provide helpful insights to potential customers.

YouTube: Video content is becoming increasingly important in digital marketing, and YouTube is the perfect platform for sharing video content that aligns with your brand strategy. You can create tutorials, product demos, and other types of video content that provide value to your target audience and showcase your brand's personality.

In summary, crafting a content marketing plan that aligns with your brand strategy is crucial for establishing your brand online. Different platforms serve different purposes, so it's important to tailor your content to each platform and experiment with different types of content to see what resonates with your audience. By focusing on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, Quora, and YouTube, you can create a diverse and effective content marketing strategy that supports your overall business goals.

Let's Develop Your Content Marketing Plan


Google My Business

A Google My Business listing is the heartbeat of your online presence.

This listing is essential for any business that wants to be found by potential customers in their local area. It is free to use and provides your business with a prominent listing on Google search results, Google Maps, and Google+.

Your Google My Business listing is the first impression that potential customers will have of your business. It allows you to display important information such as your business address, phone number, website, business hours, and customer reviews.

Your Google My Business listing can also help to boost your website's SEO, as it provides a valuable backlink to your website. It is important to regularly update your Google My Business listing with new information and photos to keep it fresh and engaging for potential customers.

A strong brand strategy will include a comprehensive plan for optimizing your Google My Business listing to ensure that it accurately reflects your brand and helps to drive traffic to your business.

While many businesses have claimed their Google My Business listing, few are utilizing all of its features to their full potential. This is where a brand strategist can be invaluable. A brand strategist can help you build your brand identity through your Google My Business listing, ensuring that it accurately reflects your brand's messaging, values, and personality.

For example, you can use the "Announcements" feature to highlight new product launches, sales, or promotions.

The "Events" feature can be used to showcase upcoming events, such as webinars or in-person events, and encourage customers to RSVP. You can also use the "Articles" feature to publish blog posts or other content related to your business and industry, which can help establish your brand as an authority and thought leader in your field.

By underutilizing these features, you may be missing out on opportunities to connect with potential customers and strengthen your brand's online presence. Working with a brand strategist can help you identify and implement strategies to leverage these features and make the most out of your Google My Business listing.

Let's Create Your Optimized Google My Business Listing

SERIO Design FX Brand Management
Social Media Management

Leveraging Social Media Platforms for Brand Building

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and it has changed the way we communicate and connect with others. With the rise of social media, we have also witnessed the emergence of influencers who have become key persons of influence on these platforms. In today's digital economy, influencers are not only gaining popularity but are also creating wealth by becoming digital millionaires.

As a business or personal brand, leveraging social media platforms can help you build your brand and gain recognition. A personal brand strategist can guide you on ways to establish your brand on social media platforms and create a strong online presence.

To become an influencer on social media platforms, you need to have a clear understanding of your brand personality and the tone of voice you want to use. Your content should reflect your brand personality and be visually captivating to grab the attention of your audience.

Platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, and Quora have different audiences and serve different purposes. A personal brand strategist can help you identify which platforms are best suited for your brand and target audience.

On LinkedIn, you can establish your brand as an expert in your industry by sharing insightful articles and engaging with your audience. Facebook and TikTok are great platforms to test your content and see what resonates with your audience. Twitter is ideal for short-form content, and Pinterest is perfect for testing trends and building a visual representation of your brand.

Quora is an excellent platform to establish your expertise by answering questions related to your industry. By providing valuable insights and answers, you can build your reputation as an expert in your field. YouTube is another platform that allows you to create long-form content and engage with your audience through videos.

In conclusion, leveraging social media platforms is crucial for brand building in today's digital economy. A personal brand strategist can help you develop a social media strategy that aligns with your brand personality and helps you become a key person of influence on these platforms. By owning your brand and establishing your online presence, you can create opportunities for yourself and your business.

Contact Your Brand Strategist

Maximizing YouTube for Business Growth

As the second largest social media platform, YouTube can be a powerful tool for growing your business online. However, with so much competition for attention on the platform, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd. That's where a brand strategist can help. By leveraging your brand personality and creating engaging content, you can rapidly grow your online presence on YouTube.

First and foremost, it's important to understand your brand personality and how it can be translated into video content. Whether you're a creative, innovative, or sage brand, there are endless possibilities for showcasing your unique perspective on YouTube. From product demos and tutorials to behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, the key is to create content that aligns with your brand personality and resonates with your target audience.

Another important factor in maximizing YouTube for business growth is engagement. It's not enough to simply create great content - you also need to actively engage with your audience. Responding to comments, asking for feedback, and running contests or giveaways are just a few ways to foster a sense of community around your brand and encourage viewers to become loyal subscribers.

Of course, optimizing your videos for search engines is also crucial for attracting new viewers and growing your online presence on YouTube. This means using relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags, as well as including calls-to-action to encourage viewers to like, comment, and subscribe.

In addition to these strategies, working with a brand strategist can provide invaluable insights and guidance for maximizing YouTube for business growth. By analyzing your target audience, monitoring trends, and staying up-to-date with the latest YouTube best practices, a brand strategist can help you create a content engine that consistently delivers results.

In conclusion, YouTube can be an incredibly powerful tool for growing your business online - but only if you approach it strategically. By leveraging your brand personality, creating engaging content, fostering engagement with your audience, optimizing for search engines, and working with a brand strategist, you can rapidly grow your online presence on this popular platform and achieve long-term success for your business.

Let's Build and Optimize Your YouTube Channel


LinkedIn for B2B and Thought Leadership

LinkedIn has become an indispensable tool for B2B marketers and thought leaders looking to build a personal brand online. It provides a unique platform to engage with your audience, establish your expertise, and build long-lasting relationships with other professionals in your industry.

If you are an executive, founder, or serial entrepreneur, building a strong personal brand on LinkedIn can greatly enhance your online presence and credibility. However, it's not enough to simply create a profile and expect to see results. A strategic approach is required to stand out from the crowd and truly make an impact.

That's where a personal brand strategist comes in. They can help you identify current opportunities, develop a content strategy, and optimize your profile to attract the right audience. Without a strong LinkedIn presence, your brand strategy is likely to fall short, as you will miss out on valuable connections and opportunities.

One of the key advantages of LinkedIn is the ability to conduct research on your target market. By identifying gaps in content or knowledge, you can create content that addresses their needs and positions you as a thought leader in your industry. This can be done through engaging posts, thought-provoking articles, and active participation in relevant groups and discussions.

In summary, LinkedIn is a powerful tool for B2B marketers and thought leaders looking to establish their personal brand online. With the help of a personal brand strategist, you can maximize your LinkedIn presence, build strong connections, and position yourself as a leader in your industry.

Talk To A Personal Brand Strategist

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest for Building Your Brand's Online Presence

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest play a vital role in building your brand's online presence. However, each platform has its unique strengths and weaknesses, which need to be considered when creating a brand strategy.

Facebook is a great platform for building relationships with your customers and sharing informative content. It has a more casual and conversational tone of voice, and visual identity should be authentic and personable.

Facebook is a powerful platform for businesses to build a strong online presence. With its vast user base and sophisticated targeting capabilities, you can easily reach your desired audience. Y

Our brand strategist can help you research groups and interests that align with your brand, and use that information to create targeted ads that will generate leads and sales.

For example, our client started an e-commerce fashion brand called "Passion for Fashion". We targeted followers of a similar brand "Fashion Nova", she has 1.1k followers and her ecommerce store sold out.

Your brand strategist can help you reach a highly engaged audience that is already interested in your product. With visually appealing ads and compelling product descriptions, you can build a loyal customer base and grow your business.

Instagram is a visually-driven platform that allows for creative expression and storytelling. It's essential to develop a consistent and cohesive visual identity that aligns with your brand personality. The tone of voice can be more playful, and content should be focused on visual storytelling.

Instagram is a unique social media platform that has become a favorite among millennials and Gen Z.

With over one billion active users, it's no surprise that Instagram can be a powerful tool for building your brand's online presence. But to truly stand out on this platform, you need a special brand content strategy. Instagram is a highly visual platform, so your content needs to be visually appealing and engaging.

Your brand strategist can help you create a content plan that aligns with your overall brand strategy, including determining how to use Instagram as part of your omnichannel marketing plan. Remember that Instagram is connected to Facebook, so your brand strategist can help you leverage the two platforms in conjunction with each other.

Additionally, unless you're running ads, your profile is key to getting results on Instagram. With the right brand strategy in place, Instagram can be a powerful tool for expanding your brand's reach and building a loyal following.

Twitter is a fast-paced platform where brands can share timely updates, engage in conversations, and show their brand's personality. The tone of voice can be more casual and witty, and visual identity should be minimalistic and straightforward.

Twitter is a great platform to expand your brand's audience and test content titles. With its short character limit, it's perfect for testing different versions of headlines, taglines, and calls-to-action. A brand strategist will help you create a content plan that aligns with your brand personality and tone of voice, while also utilizing Twitter's features such as hashtags, retweets, and mentions to increase your reach and engagement. By crafting tweets that are concise, visually appealing, and relevant to your target audience, you can build a strong presence on Twitter and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

Pinterest is a visual search engine where people come to discover and save ideas. Brands can use it to showcase their products or services and reach new audiences. The tone of voice should be inspiring, and visual identity should be aesthetically pleasing, with a focus on high-quality images.

In a brand strategy, Pinterest can be a valuable platform for building your online presence, especially if your target audience includes women. With over 400 million monthly active users, Pinterest offers a unique opportunity to showcase your brand through visually appealing and trend-focused content.

One of the key benefits of using Pinterest in your brand strategy is the ability to drive traffic to your website. By creating visually stunning pins that link back to your website, you can attract new visitors and potential customers to your site. This is especially useful if your business relies heavily on e-commerce, as Pinterest has been known to drive significant sales for businesses.

In terms of tone of voice and visual identity, it's important to keep your pins consistent with your overall brand personality and style. Use high-quality images and clear, concise descriptions that capture the essence of your brand. Make sure to use relevant keywords in your pin descriptions to improve searchability and ensure that your content is seen by the right audience.

Overall, incorporating Pinterest into your brand strategy can be a highly effective way to build your online presence and engage with your target audience, especially if your brand appeals to women and aligns with the platform's content themes. A personal brand strategist can help you identify the best approach to incorporating Pinterest into your overall brand strategy and optimize your content for maximum impact.

In a brand strategy content plan, each platform should have its unique approach and content tailored to the audience. A personal brand strategist will work with you to identify the right tone of voice and visual identity for each platform to maximize engagement and build a strong online presence.

Let's Talk About Your Online Goals

Growing Your Online Presence Foundation

  • YouTube - If 63% of marketers say that their #1 challenge is generating new leads and 43% of consumers want to see more video content, a video platform like YouTube is the perfect way to connect those needs. YouTube For Ecommerce
  • SOCIAL MEDIA - “First, what are you doing with Facebook?” Facebook might seem old and tired now. But it still tops the charts at nearly 2.2 billion people who are active at least on a monthly basis.
  • Of those, over 63% (or 1.4 billion) log into Facebook on a daily basis. Going by the most recent tally, global penetration for the social network is an astounding 22.9%. SOURCE: How to Get More Facebook Traffic by Posting Less NEIL PATEL Why Facebook? Facebook is where the people are and some are your customers. But, more importantly, they are the ones who will give you literally GIVE YOU your online ranking. Those LIKES and SHARES are tracked by Facebook who gives them to GOOGLE+.  
  • WEB DESIGN - Web design is really simple when you know the right tool. Many people think WordPress, well, it's popular but is it the BEST tool for the job. Here is an example: I used to play tennis and started with a cheap Walgreens racket. I could play tennis with it but as I thought I got better I was still getting beat. I invested in a $200 graphite racket, a new model TOP of the line and my wallet. Really, it was the top of my wallet. I couldn't go out for a month. I was beating everybody, at least for that month. They caught on and they bought new rackets. Here is the ONE thing the DIY site builder never tell you. They built the site builders to CATCH YOU because they did a "Discover Your Brand Personality" you can follow this link and do it yourself.
  • GOOGLE+ - A GOOGLE+ Business page is the glue that pulls it all together. GOOGLE is the search engine and GOOGLE OWNS YouTube. Google will see all of YOUR activity on all your social media. GOOGLE will give you search ranking and because you used their YouTube those videos you post will show up in the search ranking in 15 to 45 minutes. You use the YouTube videos in your website and social media channels.


In conclusion, building a strong brand strategy is crucial for your online presence.

It provides a framework for your content, tone of voice, and visual identity across all platforms. With the help of a personal brand strategist, you can create a plan that aligns with your goals and target audience, and utilizes the strengths of each social media platform.

Whether it's LinkedIn for B2B and thought leadership, YouTube for engaging video content, or Facebook for targeted advertising, a well-executed brand strategy can help you stand out in a crowded digital landscape. Don't let your brand get lost in the noise, take action now and work with a personal brand strategist to own your brand and achieve your business objectives.