Don't make this mistake with your SKOOL community

February 19, 2024
Posted by
Charles K. Davis

Starting a SKOOL community can be an exciting venture. It’s an opportunity to build a platform that brings people together, fosters learning and growth, and potentially provides a source of income.

However, many new community builders fall into a common trap: they focus too much on driving traffic and making money right away.

While these are important aspects of running a SKOOL community, they shouldn't be your initial priority. Let's dive into why this approach is problematic and explore more effective strategies for building a thriving SKOOL community.

The Trap of Immediate Monetization

The allure of immediate monetization can be strong, but it's not the wisest approach when starting a SKOOL community.

Why? Because it puts the cart before the horse.

Before you can effectively drive traffic and monetize your community, you need to lay the groundwork.

This includes creating a brand personality strategy, developing compelling offers and copy, and ensuring you have a product or service that people want to buy.

Building a Brand Personality Strategy

Your brand personality is the human element of your community. It's what makes your community relatable, authentic, and unique. To create a brand personality strategy, start by defining who you are as a community.

What are your values?

What do you stand for?

How do you communicate? Then, translate these answers into a consistent tone, voice, and style across all your communication channels. For instance, if your community is about empowering women in tech, your brand personality might be bold, supportive, and innovative.

Developing Offers and Copy

Once you've established your brand personality, it's time to develop your offers and copy. Your offer is what you're selling - whether it's a product, a service, or access to exclusive content. Your copy is how you communicate your offer. It should be compelling, persuasive, and aligned with your brand personality.

For example, if you're offering a course on coding for beginners, your copy might read, "Embark on a bold journey to master the basics of coding. Join our supportive community and unlock your potential as a tech innovator."

A/B Testing Offers on Social Media

A/B testing is a valuable tool for refining your offers and copy. It involves creating two versions of your offer or copy and testing them against each other to see which performs better. You can run A/B tests on social media platforms like Facebook.

Here's how to do it: start by choosing one element to test, such as your headline or call-to-action. Then, create two versions of your ad - one with your original element and one with your new version. Run both ads simultaneously and compare the results. The version that generates more conversions is your winner!

Ensuring Your Product or Service is Wanted

Finally, it's crucial to offer a product or service that people want to buy. Conduct market research to understand what your audience needs and wants. Then, design your product or service to meet these needs. For example, if your research shows that your audience struggles with confidence in tech interviews, you might offer a course on building confidence and acing tech interviews.

In conclusion, while driving traffic and making money are important, they shouldn't be your initial focus when starting a SKOOL community. Instead, concentrate on building a strong foundation through a brand personality strategy, compelling offers and copy, and a desirable product or service. This approach will lead to a more sustainable and successful community in the long run.