A $4 Million Dollar Decision

October 17, 2022
Posted by
Charles K. Davis

I was faced with a difficult decision at work. One of my employees was caught violating company policy by printing out personal material on the departmental printer. My manager demanded that the employee be fired, but I knew that if I did that, my executive director would fire my manager. So, we put them both on 90 days' notice. Here's why.

The Importance of Company Policy

Corporate policy is in place for a reason. It's there to ensure that everyone in the company is on the same page and following the same rules. When someone violates company policy, it can throw everything off balance. In this case, my manager violated corporate policy by viewing material being printed at the departmental printer.

The Consequences of Violating Company Policy

When someone violates company policy, there are usually consequences. In this case, the consequence was that my manager would be fired if I didn't take action. I knew that if I fired the employee, my executive director would fire my manager. So, instead of firing either of them, I put them both on 90 days' notice.

The Outcome of My Decision

Ultimately, my decision saved the company $4 million dollars. The project that my staff member completed was essential to the success of our department, and firing him would have set us back significantly. In the end, everything worked out and we were able to avoid any major disruptions.


Making decisions at work can be difficult, but it's important to weigh all of the factors before making a decision. In this case, I had to decide whether to fire an employee or put both him and my manager on 90 days' notice. A consensus decision saved the company, my manager and my staff member.